Friday 8 February 2013

feb half term

Those of you who have taken your folders home, finish off your Armitage notes. Those of you who haven't, do some preliminary internet research so you are ready to revise Armitage, LOTF and VFTB.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Today, due to the school being closed, I'd like you to do some research on Simon Armitage. Try GCSE Bitesize first and print off some notes on the poems we are doing or write out some notes to add to your own. Then use a search engine to find other sites on his poetry and print out notes that will add to your own. See you Monday!

Friday 26 October 2012

half term homework!

  • Plan a ‘How does Golding create sympathy for Piggy?’ essay

  • Complete the Jack worksheet…

  • Plan a ‘How do things start to go wrong on the island? Essay

  • Read P122 from ‘A naval officer appeared on the sand..’ to the end of the book. Answer: Explore the ending of the novel in terms of whether Golding leaves the reader with hope or despair?